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الأربعاء، 30 ديسمبر 2015

Get ready for Javascript “Promises” with Google and Udacity

Sarah Clark, Program Manager, Google Developer Training

Front-end web developers face challenges when using common “asynchronous” requests. These requests, such as fetching a URL or reading a file, often lead to complicated code, especially when performing multiple actions in a row. How can we make this easier for developers?

Javascript Promises are a new tool that simplifies asynchronous code, converting a tangle of callbacks and event handlers into simple, straightforward code such as: fetch(url).then(decodeJSON).then(addToPage)...

Promises are used by many new web standards, including Service Worker, the Fetch API, Quota Management, Font Load Events,Web MIDI, and Streams.

We’ve just opened up a online course on Promises, built in collaboration with Udacity. This brief course, which you can finish in about a day, walks you through building an “Exoplanet Explorer” app that reads and displays live data using Promises. You’ll also learn to use the Fetch API and finally kiss XMLHttpRequest goodbye!

This short course is a prerequisite for most of the Senior Web Developer Nanodegree. Whether you are in the paid Nanodegree program or taking the course for free, won’t you come learn to make your code simpler and more reliable today?

الاثنين، 28 ديسمبر 2015

تحميل متصفح ماكس نيترو مجانا Download Mx Nitro free

  • اولاً : ما هو برنامج Mx Nitro ؟

تنزيل برنامج ماكس نيترو 2016 برابط مباشر
Mx Nitro
- تنزيل برنامج ماكس نيترو Mx Nitro وهو الانسب والاسرع وهو عبارة عن برامج التصفح الاسرع على مستوى العالم والبعض يقول بانه أسرع متصافح على مستوى العالم وتعتبر هذه الميزه الاهم والاقوى لدى امتصفح عن غيره من باقى برامج التصفح وهو صينى المنشاء فهو برنامج احتكارى خاص بالويندوز الا انه تم انشاء نسخ منه للاندرويد وغيرها وتم انشاء قاعده خاصه بالمستخدم وخصوصا داخل الصين منذ بدايته مع MyIe2 ثم تلقى دعم تجارى ضخم للاصدار الثانى ثم بعدها تم انشاء الاصدار الثالث للبرنامج حيث يستخدم نواه ويب كيت كنواه اساسيه وهى تعتبر اساسيه فى اغلب برامج التصفح مثل جوجل كروم وغيره بالاضافه الى نواه ترايدنت الخاصه بميكروسوفت وتم تطويرة من خلال نفس الشركة التى طورت برنامج ماكس ثون.

- كانت بدايه البرنامج من اسمه MyIe وتعنى بالعربيه المتصفح الخاص بى حيث تم انشائه وتطويره من خلال المبرمج الصينى شاينغو والذى وضع بالمتصفح مزايا تعبر عن شخصيته قام شاينغو بوضع الاساسايت والاكواد ثم تركه عام 2000 وتابع المشروع جيف تشن من بعده واصدر النسخه الثانيه من البرنامج بسروعه هائله بسبب دعم المساهمين والمستخدمين فى جميع انحاء العالم ثم تم تغيير الاسم الى ماكسون وتم تمويل البرنامج من قبل مستثمر سكاى بى ثم تلقى الاستثمارات العملاقه من الشركات الامريكيه وفى 2007 تم تمويل البرنامج من قبل جوجل بما لايقل عن مليون دولار امريكى.

- برنامج ماكس نيترو جعل لتصفح الانترنت ممتع وفى غايه السرعه حيث يعتبر برنامج التصفح الاسرع عل الاطلاق كما انه يعتبر من احدث البرامج والتى انتشرت بسرعه هائله فى الفتره الاخيره واصبح قريب جدا من القمه ومنافس قوى جدا لبرامج التصفح العالميه جوجل كروم وفايرفوكس وقد حقق هذا الاصدار من برنامج ماكس نيترو ملايين التنزيلات فى مختلف انحاء العالم كما ان البرنامج لديه القدره على فتح اى صفحه انترنت بشكل اسرع مرتين الى ثلاث مرات من اى برنامج اخر.

 - يقدم لكم موقعنا المميز موقع البرامج الكلاسيكيه برنامج Mx Nitro مجانا دون اى مقابل مادى ويمكنك التحميل من رابط واحد مباشر ميديا فاير كما اننا نقدم احدث اصدرات البرنامج وهى تحميل برنامج Mx Nitro 2015 ونتابع التحديثات والتطورات التى سوف تجرى عليها .
  • وسوف نقدم لكم فيما بعد تحميل برنامج Mx Nitro 2016 بالمجان ايضا وبرابط مباشر ولا يحتاج الى اى جهد فى التحميل. كما أننا سوف نقدم تحميل برنامج Mx Nitro للكمبيوتر برابط واحد وسريع 
  •  كما أن موقعنا موقع البرامج الكلاسيكية يقدم لكم تحميل اخر اصدار من برنامج Mx Nitro 2016 تحميل برابط سريع ومباشراً لاجهزة الاندرويد والايفون ويندوز فون.

  • ثالثا: خصائص و مميزات برنامج Mx Nitro :

برنامج Mx Nitro يحتوى على العديد من المميزات الاكثر من رائعه ومن هذه المميزات :
  1. برنامج Mx Nitro مجانى ومتاح للجميع.
  2. نقدم لكم الاصدار الاحدث لبرنامج Mx Nitro
  3. البرنامج لديه القدره على فتح اى صفحه انترنت بسرعه 3 اضعاف اى برنامج اخر .
  4. البرنامج فى تطور مستمر من قبل الشركه الصينيه.
  5. البرنامج غير من شكل وفكره تصفح الانترنت منذ نشاته .
  6. البرنامج يعتمد على السرعه الهائله فى  منافسه باقى البرامج الاخرى .
  7. التصفح عن طريق استخدام التبويبات.
  8. قوالب لتغيير الشكل العام للمتصفح.
  9. يستخدم النواه الاساسيه لاغلب برامج التصفح .
  10. يعتبر المتصفح الاول فى دعم المعايير .
  11. لدية نافزة سهله مثل باقى المتصفحات يسهل التعامل معها.
  12. الحجم الصغير جدا والسرعه العاليه التى لا تتغير مع مروور الوقت.

  • خامسا: صور من داخل برنامج Mx Nitro (اضغط للتكبير)

  • سادسا : فديو يشرح تنصيب واستخدام برنامج Mx Nitro

  • سابعا: معلومات عن برنامج BBM

    السعرالبرنامج مجانى
    النظام Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP
    الموقع الرسمىMx Nitro
    حجم البرنامجمتغير طبقا لنوع الجهاز

  • تحميل برنامج  Mx Nitro للكمبيوتر مجانا

اضغط بالاعلى وانتظر سوفيتم تحويل
  • تحميل برنامج Mx Nitro لموبيلات الاندرويد مجانا

اضغط بالاعلى وانتظر سوف يتم تحويلك
  • تحميل برنامج Mx Nitro للايفون والايباد برابط مباشر مجانا

اضغط بالاعلى وانتظر سوف يتم تحويلك
  • تحميل برنامج Mx Nitro لويندوز فون برابط مباشر مجانا

اضغط بالاعلى وانتظر سوف يتم تحويلك

الأحد، 27 ديسمبر 2015

Camera360 Ultimate 7.1.2 APK

Camera360 Ultimate for Android just got updated to version 7.1.2 brings some new features. Now this app is better with more templates online and bug fixes for specific models. Camera360 Ultimate for Android is free photo editor to create a lot of images with extremely eye-catching effect, featuring tons of filters, unique shot modes, and extras not found in other apps from the genre out there.

Camera360 Ultimate apk for Android

If you need photos with beautiful and eye-catching effects to share with friends on social networks like Facebook or Instagram, but do not know how, Camera360 Ultimate is an excellent choice mobile application for you. You can adjust your photos as you're taking them, or you can snap a photo and apply filters and other effects afterward with tons of fun and unique features. The app itself is easy to use and makes your photos more beautiful than previous pics. You will get some new things in your life go for it and enjoy your colorful life.

Here's new features in Camera360 Ultimate v7.1.2  update:
- [scenic camera]More templates online!
- [design optimization]Scenic camera, registration and login UI designs optimized
- [fixed issues]bug fixes and optimized operation for specific models

Camera360 Ultimate is developed professionally, so the anyone having little knowledge of photo editing can learn quickly achieving too good outputs. The update is now available to grab on the Google Play Store. As always, you can download the latest Camera360 Ultimate apk file from the source link given below.

Download Camera360 Ultimate 7.1.2 APK file

السبت، 26 ديسمبر 2015

One Launcher 14.1 APK

One Launcher app for Android devices just got updated to v14.1.1583.20151223 with few new features. You can now download One Launcher Christmas Edition for Android from the Google Play Store. This launcher includes the most recent iOS 8 graphics and transition effects so that you get the feeling that you are using an iOS device.

One Launcher for Android

One Launcher is a great perfect balance between incredible performance and great customizing app without getting too gimmicky and difficult to use. It turns your Android device into an iOS looking device with a clean and polished interface.

Here’s a quick look at the features of One Launcher, which you can use on Android phone and tablet
- Clean and un-cluttered home screen replacement.
- Customizable home screen with lots a theme options
- Buttery smooth Screen Transition Effects
- Smart widgets: The Desktop Clock & Calendar icons, dynamically display the current date and time with snazzy animations & effects!
- Hand-picked FREE HD Retina-ready quality wallpapers preloaded for your personalisation.
- Receive real-time notification and display them in your lock screen. You get a quick glance at your daily activities. Simple, no-fuss.
- And more features updated Weekly!

For all those people over there who love iPhone and unable to afford that phone, One Launcher is for you. This launcher + lock screen + Smart toggle for iPhone will make your phone like an iPhone. We have the latest One Launcher APK for download as well for those who can’t download from the Google Play Store.

Requires Android: 2.3.3+ (Gingerbread)
Download file: 4.6 mb (One Launcher APK)

Download One Launcher 14.1 APK file

الجمعة، 25 ديسمبر 2015

Geometry Dash Meltdown 1.00 APK

A new arcade game developed by a successful RobTop Games team has been released on the Play Store a few days ago, a game that fans of Geometry Dash will surely enjoy. The new game is called Geometry Dash Meltdown, and it’s let’s players prepare for a new Geometry Dash adventure filled with more spikes and monsters than thought possible! In the game, you will be able to flex your clicky finger as you jump, fly and flip your way through dark caverns and spiky obstacles.

Geometry Dash Meltdown apk

Geometry Dash Meltdown has new levels and looks harder, these levels have brand new soundtracks that are pretty dang awesome. This app is made for those who wants to see and test the 2.0 features without buying the full version. Looking for a somewhat easy challenge? Get this with three levels! More are to come!

Here’s a quick look at the features of the game, which you can play on Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread ) or later.:
• Rhythm-based Action Platforming!
• Three unique levels with music from F-777!
• Fly rockets, flip gravity and much more!
• Use practice mode to sharpen your skills!
• Challenge yourself with the near impossible!
• Unlock unique Meltdown icons and colors to customize your character!

Geometry Dash Meltdown seems like an interesting arcade game, so make sure to check it out if you’re a fan of the genre. While the game is free to download and play, be aware that it also contains in-game purchases. You can check it out on the Google Play Store now or download Geometry Dash Meltdown apk file from the source link given below.

Requires Android: 2.3.3+
Download File: 37MB (Geometry Dash Meltdown APK)

Geometry Dash Meltdown 1.00 APK file download

الأربعاء، 23 ديسمبر 2015

Clash of Clans 8.67.8 APK [Christmas Update]

The holidays are coming and Supercell has released their Clash of Clans Christmas update to the public on the Play Store. The new COC update adds Winter decorations and new features can we expect this holiday.

Clash of Clans Christmas update apk download

Clash of Clans is the incredibly successful strategy game developed by Supercell now available on the Play Store in all regions. It's a great mobile game that you can play on your smartphones and tablets, both iOS and Android. The game lets you battle with a large variety of troops, build a unique defense and match up with other players.

Here's what's new and improved in the new Clash of Clans Christmas update:
• New Winter theme!
• Bug-fixes for the new Shield system and game crashes
• New info screen when tapping the Shield icon shows exact Personal Break timer status
• Fixed and cleaned up various UI issues

The Clash of Clans Christmas update is live right now on the Google Play Store, so if you already play it, you should be seeing it available to download. And for those who can't download the update on the Play Store you can grab the latest Clash of Clans APK file from the source link given below.

Clash of Clans Christmas Update APK file download

Cut the Rope: Magic 1.0.0 APK

It’s been a while since the first sequel of Cut the Rope, the nice physics-based puzzle game developed by ZeptoLab, has been released on Android. Fans of the game had to wait for quite some time to continue the story following My Om Nom, but now it’s finally possible to see how things evolve in the story.

Cut the Rope: Magic apk

The new sequel of Cut the Rope is called Cut the Rope: Magic and takes players join Om Nom’s newest adventure and transform him into magical forms to help the lovable little monster recover candy stolen by an evil wizard. The game puts a fresh spin on Cut the Rope’s iconic physics puzzle gameplay, introducing more than 100 all-new magic-themed levels across a richly imagined, colorful world.

Here's what's new in Cut the Rope: Magic:
- A magical world with completely new graphics, sound and gameplay elements
- Complex boss levels that will challenge your candy-crunching, rope-cutting skills
- 5 ways to transform Om Nom into magical creatures along his journey
- 100 all-new puzzles, with more coming soon

Cut the Rope is simple, fundamental and ingenious puzzles game for mobile. This new sequel has great new concepts that adds further depth to the series by introducing Om-Nom transforming-moving mechanics. If you don't have time for long games, take a ride on cut the rope.

Cut the Rope: Magic is available for free download and play on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or later. You can check it out on the Google Play Store now or download Cut the Rope: Magic apk file from the source link below.

Cut the Rope: Magic apk file download

الثلاثاء، 22 ديسمبر 2015

Scrubby Dubby Saga 1.8.0 APK

Fans of the casual game had plenty to be happy about in the past few months thanks to several new games getting released for Android. If you have played all the more recent casual games and you’re looking for something new to sink your teeth into, you may want to check out a brand new game that has been made available today on the Google Play Store. The new game is called Scrubby Dubby Saga, and it’s been developed by King, the creator of the Candy Crush franchise and Farm Heroes Saga.

Scrubby Dubby Saga 1.8.0 APK download

Here's a quick look at the features of the game, which you can  play on Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) and above:

- Join Dixie Duck on her amazing adventure
- A new match 3 with a twist! Slide lines of soap in challenging puzzles!
- Match the soaps to clear the foam!
- Free your friends in a brand new mode!
- Play with friends to see who can get the highest score
- Create boosters and tap them to release their power
- Easy to play and challenging to master!
- Easily sync the game between devices and unlock full game features when connected to the Internet

Scrubby Dubby Saga is now available to download on the Google Play Store. The game is completely free to play but some in-game items such as extra moves or lives will require payment. You can also download Scrubby Dubby Saga apk file from the source link given below, then install it directly on your Android device.

The game has been updated. Here's what's new in Scrubby Dubby Saga 1.8.0:
- Enhanced boards – wider, fresher!
- Improved goals – there’s no chance you can miss them!
- Revamped help features and tutorials – helpful, isn’t it?
- Missions – so you think you’re a Soap star? Let’s see!
- Polishing and bug fixes – our plumber friend came over to fix the pipes.

Scrubby Dubby Saga apk file download

الاثنين، 21 ديسمبر 2015

تحميل برنامج تسطيب ويندوز من الفلاشه مجانا Download WintoFlash free

  • اولاً : ما هو برنامج WintoFlash

تحميل برنامج تنصيب الويندوز من الفلاش WintoFlash 2016 برابط مباشر
- تنزيل برنامج وينتو فلاش WintoFlash وهو برنامج معروف ومشهور جدا والذى يتخصص فى عمليه تسطيب الويندوز من على الفلاشه واصبح حلا للعديد من الصعاب والمشاكل لمستخدمى الويندوز الذين يرغبون فى تسطيب الويندوز الا انهم يفتقرون الى المصدر لتسطيب الويندوز لذلك وفر علينا برنامج WintoFlash المجهود والعديد من المشاكل البرنامج يعتبر الاول فى مجاله فى عمليه نسخ الويندوز على فلاشه وجلعلها صالحه للاستخدام والتسطيب من على الفلاشه بكل سهوله واسرع من استخدام الاسطوانات التى تكون غير قابله للاستخدام احيانا.

- يمكنك ان تقول وداعا لل CD $ dvd عن طريق برنامج WintoFlash الذى جعل من السهل تسطيب الويندوز من على الفلاشه او اى وحده تخزين حتى لو كانت صغيره usb وباقصى سرعه الان يمكنك انشاء اكثر من نسخه للونيدوز الذى تمتلكه ووضعه على اكثر من فلاشه واستخدامها فى اكثر من مجال كما ان البرنامج عندما يبدا فى العمل تكون الفلاشه قابله للاقلاع عند بدء تشغيل الجهاز لتسطيب الويندوز ومن اهم مايميز البرنامج السرعه فى النسخ والتسطيب البرنامج متاح للجميع ومجانا ولديه شعبيه فى جميع انحاء العالم .

- هناك اكثر من اصدار للبرنامج خاص ب 32 بت و 64 بت البرنامج يقوم بنسخ الاسطوانه على الفلاشه وتهيئتها للتصطيب على الجهاز فى اى وقت وباقصى سرعه كما ان البرنامج مناسب لجميع المستخدمين محترفين او مبتدئين فهو ليس بصعوبه التسطيب من على الاسطوانه فهو مثل اى برنامج عادى اثناء التسطيب كل ماعليك هو ان تقوم باختيار الخطوه التاليه.

- يقدم لكم موقعنا المميز موقع البرامج الكلاسيكيه برنامج WintoFlash مجانا دون اى مقابل مادى ويمكنك التحميل من رابط واحد مباشر ميديا فاير كما اننا نقدم احدث اصدرات تالبرنامج وهى تحميل برنامج وينتو فلاش 2015 ونتابع التحديثات والتطورات التى سوف تجرى عليها وسوف نقدم لكم فيما بعد تحميل برنامج WintoFlash 2016 بالمجان ايضا وبرابط مباشر ولا يحتاج الى اى جهد فى التحميل.
  • كما أننا سوف نقدم تحميل برنامج تسطيب الويندوز من الفلاش للكمبيوتر احدث اصدار برابط واحد وسريع
كما أن موقعنا موقع البرامج الكلاسيكية يقدم لكم تحميل اخر اصدار من برنامج WintoFlash 2016 تحميل برابط سريع ومباشراً .

  • ثانيا: خصائص و مميزات برنامج WintoFlash :

برنامج WintoFlash يحتوى على العديد من المميزات الاكثر من رائعه ومن هذه المميزات :
  1. برنامج WebcamMax مجانى ومتاح للجميع.
  2. البرنامج فى حالة تطور مستمر من الشركة المنتجه له.
  3. يمكنك وضع اى نسخه على الفلاش سواء اكس بى او فيستا او سفن او ايت او تن.
  4. يمنك تنصيب اكثر من نسخه على الفلاش.
  5. تتميز بالسهولة والسرعه العاليه فى التنصيب.
  6. تتميز بالبقاء لفتره اطول ومن الممكن مدى العمر وذلك فى حالة المحافظة على الفلاش.
  7. حلت العديد من المشاكل حيث انها usb وجميع الاجهزة بها اكثر من usb.
  8. سوف تجعلك من الاسطوانات ومشاكلها التى ضايقت الكثير من المستخدمين.
  9. تتميز الفلاش بجميع الاحجام ولذلك فهى تحمل جميع النسخ مهما كان حجمها.
  10. السعر البسيط جدا هذه الايام للفلاشات.

    • صور من داخل برنامج WintoFlash (اضغط للتكبير)

      • رابعا: فديو يشرح تنصيب واستخدام برنامج WintoFlash ومتطلبات تنصيب الوينوز

      • خامسا: معلومات عن برنامج WebcamMax

        السعرالبرنامج مجانى - تجريبى
        النظام Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP
        الموقع الرسمىWintoFlash
        حجم البرنامج25.26 ميجا

      • تحميل برنامج تنصيب الويندوز من الفلاش برابط مباشر للكمبيوتر مجانا

      اضغط بالاعلى وانتظر سوف يظهر رابط التحميل
      • تحميل برنامج تنصيب الويندوز من الفلاش 2016 WintoFlash من الموقع الرسمى

      اضغط بالاعلى وانتظر سوف يظهر رابط التحميل

      السبت، 19 ديسمبر 2015

      تحميل العاب - تحميل لعبة ولف تيم

      تحميل العاب - تحميل لعبة ولف تيم - download WolfTeam 
      اللعبة المميزة والرائعة التي نالت اعجاب الكثير من محبي وعشاق العاب المغامرات والعاب الحرب والعاب الاكشن الجميلة والمميزة اللعبة التي ابهرت الكثير من محبي وعشاق الالعاب لعبة ولف تيم الرائعة والجميلة يمكنكم تحميل لعبة ولف تيم الان مجانا من موقع العابي لتحميل الالعاب المجانية الرائعة يجب عليك تتبع الخطوات اللازمة للتحميل لكي تقوم بتحميل اللعبة بسهولة ويسر وتستمتع باللعبة الرائعة علي جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك في افضل واجمل تحميل العاب كمبيوتر رائعة ومميزة والان مع معلومات عن لعبة ولف تيم الرائعة ارجوا الاستمتاع .

      يمكنكم متابعة الموقع وجديد الالعاب من خلال الضغط علي زر إعجاب

      عن اللعبة 
      لعبة ولف تيم لها جمهور كبير ورائع يبحث عن لعبة ولف تيم الرائعة والمميزة لكي يقوم بتحميلها علي جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص به ويقوم بالاستمتاع بها علي جهاز الكمبيوتر الرائع فيجب عليك تنزيل لعبة ولف تيم من موقع العابي لتحميل الالعاب المجانية الموقع المتخصص في تحميل اقوي الالعاب ومتخصص في تحميل العاب الجميلة والمميزة وبعد تحميل اللعبة سوف تقوم بتشغيل اللعبة وتقوم بتنزيل البيانات الخاصة للعبة من خلال موقع اللعبة الاصلي لكي تقوم بتحدث البيانات وتحدث جميع المراحل الموجوده في اللعبة الجميلة لعبة ولف تيم المميزة والجميلة في عالم تحميل العاب مجانا المميزة .

      ما هي لعبة ولف تيم
      لعبة ولف تيم من الالعاب الاكثر انتشارا بين العاب الاكشن والمغامرات والحروب فهي لعبة اكشن ومغامرات وحرب من الطراز الاول ولديها جمهور كبير يستطيع ان يقوم بعمل المغامرات والحرب والمغامرة في اللعبة الجميلة لعبة ولف تيم المميزة والجميلةتتحدث اللعبة عن مجموعة من الذئاب الشرسة في اللعبة انها تقوم بقتل اي انسان يتعرض لها في اللعبة ويجب عليك في اللعبة ان تقاوم تلك الذئاب بكل جراءة وشجاعة في اللعب لكي تتخلص منهم جميعا فسوف تجد امكانيات كبيرة ورائعة في اللعبة المميزة التي تساعدك في التصدي لتلك الذئاب الشرسة التي تقوم بقتل الانسان في اللعبة .

      مهمتك في اللعبة 
      مهمتك في اللعبة هي مهمة بالغة الاهمية جدا وهي ان تقوم بتجميع الموارد المطلوبة منك في اللعبة التي تساعدك علي محاربة تلك الذئاب الشرسة وهي التي تقوم باحتلال الاماكن العامة للانسان ويجب التصدي لها ولكن لا يقوم بالتصدي لها الا بطل وهذا البطل هو انت نعم انت من تستطيع التصدي الي تلك الذئاب الشرسة في اللعبة الجميلة لعبة ولف تيم وعندما تكون قوي في اللعبة سوف تجد ان الذئاب تخاف منك فيجب ان تجبر الذئاب علي الخوف منك في اللعبة الجميلة والمميزة لعبة ولف تيم الاكثر جمالا في العاب الحرب والقتال والاكشن والمعامرات والان مع صور اللعبة لكي نتعرف علي اللعبة الجميلة تحياتي لكم .

      صور اللعبة

      والان بعد التعرف علي صور اللعبة الجميلة لعبة ولف تيم يمكنكم الان تحميل لعبة ولف تيم المميزة من خلال موقع العابي لتحميل الالعاب المجانية الموقع المتخصص في تحميل العاب مجانا ارجوا الاستمتاع بكافة الالعاب الجميلة ولعبة ولف تيم الجميلة تحياتي

      الجمعة، 18 ديسمبر 2015

      Google Play Services 8.4 SDK is available

      Posted by Laurence Moroney, Developer Advocate

      We’re delighted to announce the availability of Google Play services 8.4. There’s a lot of new information to share with you about what’s available to you in this release.

      Custom Email App Invites

      App Invites is a technology that enables your users to share apps with people they know. In Google Play services 8.4 we’ve updated this to make it easier for them to share via email. Before this you could create a custom email that contained user defined text and an image, but now we’re allowing you to add content from the app directly into the message. It allows you to fully define the email body using HTML, and set the email subject line. So, for example, if you have a favorite cooking app that you want to share with your friends, your invite to use the app can include a favorite recipe from the app. They get the immediate benefit of being able to access the desired content, giving them a more informed choice about whether or not they decide to install the app to get richer and more content. Check out the App Invites sample on GitHub here.

      Predicting User spend and churn in games

      The Play Games Analytics developer experience is designed to enable game developers to better understand, manage, and optimize game experiences throughout the player lifecycle. With this in mind, we’ve extended the Player Stats API to help you better understand your players behavior, and based on this, entice them to stay in your game.

      The churn prediction method will return data on the probability that the player will churn, i.e., stop playing the game. You can create content in response to this to entice them to stay in your game.

      Additionally, the spend prediction method will return the probability that the player will spend something in the game. It’s up to you how to handle this data, but -- for example -- if there’s a low probability that the player will spend something, you could provide discounted in-app purchases or show ads.

      Fused Location Provider Updates

      The Fused Location Provider (FLP) in Google Play services provides location to your apps using a number of sensors, including GPS, WiFi and Cell Towers.

      When desiring to save battery power, and using coarse updates, the FLP doesn’t use Global Positioning Services (GPS), and instead uses WiFi and Cell tower signals. In Google Play services 8.4, we have greatly improved how the FLP detects location from cell towers. Prior to this, we would get the location information relative to only the primary cell tower. Now, the FLP takes the primary tower and other towers nearby to provide a more accurate location. We’ve also improved location detection from WiFi access points, particularly in areas where GPS is not available -- such as indoors.

      Maps API Improvements

      Have you ever wished you could easily handle a tap on a suburb without having to add another layer on the map to intercept the taps? We’ve added an onClickListener for polygons, so you can easily add transparent polygons and intercept the taps directly. We’ve also added on click listeners to polylines and ground overlays.

      Here’s how you can use a listener to detect a click on a polygon:

       map.setOnPolygonClickListener(new GoogleMap.OnPolygonClickListener() {  
      public void onPolygonClick(Polygon polygon) {

      Info windows now also offer an OnInfoWindowCloseListener and an OnInfoWindowLongClickListener. The on close listener is particularly useful if you wish to zoom back out on the map after the user has looked at the detail associated with a particular marker.

       mMap.setOnInfoWindowCloseListener(new GoogleMap.OnInfoWindowCloseListener() {...});  

       mMap.setOnInfoWindowLongClickListener(new GoogleMap.OnInfoWindowLongClickListener() {...});  

      For more details, and an example that uses these, see the ApiDemos sample on GitHub and check out the historical changes to this sample, so you can see how the new APIs work. Also see the Release Notes.

      Support for Aztec bar codes

      In Google Play services 7.8, we launched Vision APIs that supported face and barcode detection. One bar code format we didn’t support was Aztec bar codes, so with Google Play services 8.4 we’ve now added support for these.

      Applications using BarcodeDetector in its default configuration (no barcode format restrictions) will automatically start decoding AZTEC codes.

      Background Beacon Scanning

      With Google Play services 8.4, the Nearby Messages API now supports background scanning for Eddystone, the open beacon format from Google. With this update, your app can be woken up when a BLE beacon is sighted. Back in July, Google Play Services 7.8 introduced the Nearby Messages API with a simple publish-subscribe interface. In the case of beacons, developers publish content by adding attachments to beacon records using Proximity Beacon API. These attachments are served back to your app when Nearby sights a beacon of interest.

      New methods that we’ve added include a subscribe method for background beacon subscriptions where BLE scans are triggered at screen-on events; an associated unsubscribe event; and the ability to handle intents that you get when the Nearby API calls back during a background subscription.

      Fitness Platform HistoryApi Improvements

      We now support consistent step counts across the Google Fit app, other fitness apps and Android Wear watch faces with the HistoryApi.readDailyTotal() method. Please see the following documentation for more detail:
      https://developers.google.com/fit/android/history#read_daily_total_data?utm_campaign=play services_series_launch_121815&utm_source=anddev&utm_medium=blog

      We also have a new HistoryApi.updateData() method. This method allows you to update data in one API call without having to delete and insert with two calls.

      Place Picker Autocomplete Widget

      Today we are announcing the mobile autocomplete widget, the latest addition to our existing set of programmatic autocomplete features on Android and iOS, as well as the addition of Autocomplete to our place picker widget. Autocomplete functionality assists users by automatically completing the name and address of a place as they type. Widgets make it even easier for developers to add autocomplete functionality to their application with just a small amount of code. Learn more about this at this blog post.

      الخميس، 17 ديسمبر 2015

      The Learning Continues! New lessons for Advanced Android course

      Posted by Joanna Smith, Developer Advocate

      Magic moments happen when your app does something very useful with minimal effort from your users -- like figuring out their location for them automatically. The new Places lesson in the Advanced Android App Development course teaches you how to add a Place Picker to your app so that users can pick a nearby location without having to type anything.

      The Advanced Android App Development course, built by Udacity in conjunction with Google, is a follow-up course to Developing Android apps. The advanced course is for Android Developers who are ready to learn how to polish, productionize and publish their app, and even distribute it through Google Play.

      Updates to the course also include an explanation of the new GCM Receiver, as well as an entirely new lesson on publishing your app, which explains how to build and sign an APK so you you can distribute your app on Google Play.

      After all, why build an app if you can’t get it to your users?

      Get started now, because it's going to be awesome!

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      - كما ان برنامج ويبكام ماكس لديه القدره على اضافه التاثيرات المختلفه على الفيديو اثناء المكالمه فيمكنك التغير من لون الشعر واضافه التاثيرات الخارجيه من اجل المتعه حيث يمكنك تغير شكلك تمام اثناء المهاتفه مع الاصدقاء بالاضافه الى ان البرنامج يمكنه تشغيل فيديو مزيف اثناء الاتصال ووهم صديقك بان هذا فيديو مباشر لك فهذه الخدع والتاثيرات ليست موجود فى اى برنامج اخر حيث يتميز برنامج ويب كام بالاضافه الجديده لبعض الادوات والسرعه وجوده الصوره اثناء الاتصال.

      - البرنامج فى حاله تطور مستمر كما انه بمثابه برنامج فوتوشوب فهو قادر على التغيير من شكل الفيديو واضافه التاثيرات مثل الالوان واضافات خارجيه والاطارات ودرجه الاضاءه والتزييف وحفظ الفيديوهات كما انه يمكنك تسجيل المكالمات والفيديوهات اثناء الاتصال وحفظها على الجهاز الكمبيوتر ولذلك زاده شهره البرنامج وازداد عدد المستخدمين فى جميع انحاء العالم ومن اهم مايميز البرنامج انه قادر على تشغيل اكثر من كاميرا على اكثر من برنامج دردشه فى وقت واحد وهذا يكون بمثابه جهازين كمبيوتر بدلا من واحد.

      - برنامج Webcam Max يمكنك من اضافه الصور واللقطات والفيديوهات المختلفه الى الفيديو المباشر وعمل دمج بين كل هذا واضافه الفلاش والتاثيرات لكاميرا الويب الحقيقيه والوهميه كما انه يمكنك من انشاء دردشه بينك وبين الاصدقاء كما انه يسمح لك بث صوره من داخل صوره ويمكنك من خلاله التقاط الصور واللعب بها والتعديل عليها وبه العديد من الاطارات والتأثيرات المختلفه التى من الممكن ادخالها على الصور فبلذلك اصبح من الممكن استخدامة فى عمل الصور والفديوهات الخاصه والشخصيه بجانب كميرات الويب ومن ذلك فهو برنامج متعدد المهام.

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      - يقدم لكم موقعنا المميز موقع البرامج الكلاسيكيه برنامج WebcamMax مجانا دون اى مقابل مادى ويمكنك التحميل من رابط واحد مباشر ميديا فاير كما اننا نقدم احدث اصدرات البرنامج وهى تحميل برنامج ويب كام ماكس WebcamMax 2015 ونتابع التحديثات والتطورات التى سوف تجرى عليها وسوف نقدم لكم فيما بعد تحميل برنامج WebcamMax 2016 بالمجان ايضا وبرابط مباشر ولا يحتاج الى اى جهد فى التحميل.
      • كما أننا سوف نقدم تحميل برنامج ويبكام ماكس للكمبيوتر برابط واحد وسريع
      - كما أن موقعنا موقع البرامج الكلاسيكية يقدم لكم تحميل اخر اصدار من برنامج WebcamMax 2016 تحميل برابط سريع ومباشراً .

      • ثانيا: خصائص و مميزات برنامج WebcamMax :

      برنامج WebcamMax يحتوى على العديد من المميزات الاكثر من رائعه ومن هذه المميزات :
      1. برنامج WebcamMax مجانى ومتاح للجميع.
      2. البرنامج فى حاله تطور مستمر 
      3. ويبكام ماكس يمكنك من تشغيل اكثر من كاميرا فى اكثر كمن برنامج دردشه فى وقت واحد 
      4. يتميز البرنامج بجوده ونقاء الصوره وعدم انقطاع او تقطيع او تباطى الصورة.
      5. البرنامج حل مشكله عدم تشغيل الكاميرا اثناء المحادثات .
      6. البرنامج يمكنك من انشاء فيديوهات وهميه .
      7. يمكنك اضافه التاثيرات والصور والفلاش على الفيدوهات الحاليه.
      8. البرنامج يمكنك من تسجيل المكالمه وحفظها على جهازك .
      9. البرنامج صالح لاى برنامج دردشه مختلف .
      10. يمكنك وضع فيديو وهمى اثناء محادثه الاصدقاء.
      11. البرنامج يساعدك على اللعب فى الصور الخاصه واضافة التأثيرات.
      12. البرنامج بها العديد من الصور والتاثيرات المختلفه التى من الممكن أن تقوم بأدخالها على الفديو او البرنامج
      13. الشركة المنتجه للبرنامج تقدم لكم متجر خاص للبرنامج لشراء التاثيرات الخاصه والمساعدات الاخرى.

        • صور من داخل برنامج WebcamMax 2016 (اضغط للتكبير)


          • رابعا: فديو يشرح تنصيب واستخدام برنامج WebcamMax

          • خامسا: معلومات عن برنامج WebcamMax

            السعرالبرنامج مجانى - تجريبى
            النظام Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP
            الموقع الرسمىWebcamMax
            حجم البرنامج25.26 ميجا

          • تحميل برنامج WebcamMax للكمبيوتر برابط مباشر مجانا

          اضغط بالاعلى وانتظر سوف يظهر رابط التحميل
          • تحميل برنامج WebcamMax كامل للكمبيوتر من الموقع الرسمى

          اضغط بالاعلى وانتظر سوفيتم تحويلك

          الأربعاء، 16 ديسمبر 2015

          Invitation: Your Ultimate 31-Course Holiday Banquet

          Posted by Shanea King-Roberson, Program Manager

          The Holidays. Food for the body. Food for the mind. Google and Udacity offer you 31 courses that will make your mouth water and your mind dance. Savor one or several of our 31 self-paced online training courses to indulge your curiosity, expand your knowledge, and hone new skills. Choose from Android, Web, Entrepreneurship, or Cloud and Backend tracks. Are you ready?


          More and more people around the world are embracing mobile at an increasing pace, whether on their phones, in their cars, at home, and around their wrists. Learn to build apps for them!


          Refine your web development skills for mobile. Create fast, fluid user experiences. Deploy for all desktop and mobile devices. Streamline checkout and payment. Learn how to build beautiful, performant, responsive applications for the world's largest platform.

          Cloud and Backend

          Does your app need to support more users? (Congratulations!) Do you want to move data handling for an existing app from the device to the cloud? Learn how to take advantage of public cloud infrastructure to support millions of users and terabytes of data.


          Start the year with a new start up. That says it all. Take these courses to learn how to do it successfully.

          And that’s it. 31 courses that will catapult your skills and make 2016 your best year yet!
          Happy Holidays!

          الاثنين، 14 ديسمبر 2015

          Leveraging product flavors in Android Studio for hermetic testing

          Posted by Jose Alcérreca, Developer Programs Engineer and Wojtek Kaliciński, Developer Advocate

          During our recent talk at Android Dev Summit, we discuss the state of testing on Android on the example of a simple Notes application that we created as part of our testing codelab. In one section of the talk, we discuss the problem of test flakiness and introduce a simple solution for setting up a hermetic testing environment.

          Combatting flaky tests

          UI tests with frameworks like Espresso or UI Automator can easily get flaky if the application has external dependencies that can sometimes fail or take long to respond. In short, flaky tests are tests that are not reliable (they can pass or fail randomly) which defeats the whole purpose of having tests in the first place.

          A common solution to this problem is hermetic testing or, in other words, making sure that your tests are isolated from dependencies. Using fake implementations or fake servers that just return predefined data is a common way of dealing with this problem. Here are some good examples:

          • Network calls can be made via a fake API client or fake server that immediately returns data from files stored on disk instead of hitting the network. This bypasses the network's latency and flakiness as well as any errors originating on the real server.

          • Interactions with low-level framework APIs (especially those for accessing hardware, like camera or storage) can be passed through an intermediate interface. A fake implementation of this interface could return immediately, providing a reference to preloaded data, such as an image, without relying on the hardware.

          • Any sensors can be replaced with fakes too: GPS, microphone, accelerometer etc., giving you a chance to test on data that would be difficult to provide for the test in real life, like a preset location or a set of inputs simulating a gesture.

          Dependency Injection (DI) is a software design pattern that facilitates testing, reusing modules and making them interchangeable. DI frameworks can help you deal with the boilerplate associated with this pattern but it can take a considerable amount of time to set them up and understand how they work. Before you are ready to commit to one of those frameworks for your app, you might want to explore an easier way, especially if your project requirements are simple.

          Managing dependencies with product flavors

          Product flavors is a powerful feature of Android Studio and our Android Gradle plugin that lets you swap Java classes at compile time and doesn't require additional libraries. Some typical examples of flavor dimensions are:

          • free/paid flavors to generate two different APKs that will be released on your distribution channels

          • stable/experimental to keep experiments in a different source set and generate beta versions quickly

          We can leverage the same mechanism to create two separate versions of our app to help with hermetic testing:

          • prod - uses real implementation of services and components, using real data and resources

          • mock - for a version that contains fake implementations of dependencies that are hard to test

          The procedure is very simple:

          1. Create the flavors in your app/build.gradle file.
             android {  
            productFlavors {
            mock {
            applicationIdSuffix = ".mock"

          2. Create two directories: app/src/prod and app/src/mock

          3. Create the class that you want to use for production code in the prod/java folder or move it from main/java. Make sure the main/java folder does not contain this class.
          4. Create the same class (with the exact same class and file name) in the mock/java folder, but providing a different (fake) implementation that will be used for tests.
          5. In the Build Variants window in Android Studio, choose the variant that you want to install or run tests against. A variant is the combination of a flavor and a build type.

          Note: In gradle, the task names change when you add flavors. Instead of installDebug, you will now have to choose installProdDebug or installMockDebug.

          Running your tests

          With the prod and mock flavors configured and your mock implementation in place, you can now use the following gradle tasks to choose how your tests should run:

          • connectedMockDebugAndroidTest will merge the androidTest and androidTestMock directories and run every test found in the resulting source set. As these tests are run in a hermetic way, they will be faster and less flaky. This is ideal for a pre-submit check.

          • connectedProdDebugAndroidTest will use the real APIs and sensors so they might fail from time to time. If you have a Continuous Integration system, this task could be executed every night or used manually as a acceptance end-to-end test. Note that this task will run the tests in androidTest even if androidTestProd doesn't exist.

          You can refer to our Android Testing Codelab to see how we used this method to provide different Injection class implementations, the one in prod providing real data and the other (mock) serving fake dependencies that use fake data for isolated test execution.

          When you’re happy with your hermetic setup, you might want to give more flexibility to your build process and add even more dimensions to be able to interchange different components in your app. While the method discussed above is suitable for simple projects, for more complex situations it would be much better to invest some time to learn about and add a Dependency Injection framework to your project.

          الجمعة، 11 ديسمبر 2015

          One tap sign-up and automatic sign-in without password entry using Smart Lock

          Posted Steven Soneff, Product Manager, Google Identity

          More than 30 percent of users signing in to the Netflix app on Android no longer have to enter a password thanks to Google’s Smart Lock for Passwords. Learn more

          It’s been six months since the launch of Smart Lock for Passwords and we are thrilled with the impact it has made in getting users signed back in to many of their favorite apps. Million of users have been seamlessly signed in using saved accounts for over 40 major apps when going from one Android device to another or from Chrome to Android and vice versa. This first wave of developers have realized that removing the friction of sign-in increases user re-engagement, monetization opportunities, and cross-device analytics, improving the value and experience of their users.

          The New York Times has seen 80 percent of their new sign-in events assisted by Smart Lock. Meanwhile, the Netflix customer support team found over a 20 percent reduction in support cases related to account recovery for their Android user base. Users strongly choose to stay signed in across their devices with over 60 percent opt-in to save sign-in info for major Smart Lock-enabled apps. And many of these developers were able to realize these gains with less than a day’s work by making only client-side changes to their app. To learn more about Smart Lock for Passwords, visit our developer site.

          What’s New

          With the latest release of Google Play services, we’ve made some enhancements to the Smart Lock for Passwords API to help you sign up new users or sign existing users in more quickly. Using the new method to retreive sign-in "hints", your users will see a dialog with a list of email addresses that they can select in a single tap:

          This new experience is particularly important with Android Marshmallow’s runtime permissions model. To simplify and improve the user experience, this dialog doesn’t require device permissions and includes any email addresses that the user has saved with Smart Lock, not just the accounts on the device. This means that you can improve your sign-in and sign-up flows so that most of your users never need to type their email address. Apps using this dialog have seen nearly three-quarters of users select an entry shown, improving sign-up rates.

          Next, after the user has tapped and shared their email address, with some server-side support, a sophisticated app can fully tailor the sign-in flow. By using the email address, you can check your database to see if a user has already registered for an account. You can then intelligently render either the sign-in or sign-up screens with the user’s email address, name and profile photo pre-filled.

          Skipping the Password Altogether

          It’s possible to do even better: if the user chooses a Google account from the dialog, an OpenID Connect ID Token is provided. This can save your app from having to verify email addresses for new accounts or skip the password altogether for returning users. ID tokens are also used by Google Sign-In to authenticate in place of a password, and are a strong assertion from Google that the owner of the given email address is present. If users on your site recover their passwords by email, then an ID token from Google is giving you the same assertion that the user owns the email address and is signed in to this device with that email address. You can also consider presence of ID token in addition to the password a signal to prevent password cracking and abuse.

          We’ve found that the majority of users on Android use the email address that’s signed in on their device as their account for third-party apps, so this means seamlessly signing in most of your returning users, or creating a new account with one tap!

          Code Samples and User Flow

          Here’s a recap of how to streamline your app’s sign-in flow:

          When your app starts, request stored Smart Lock credentials, and go straight to the user’s content when possible. Create a request for password or Google credentials, then listen for a callback with the results. Sign in immediately if stored user credentials (username / password, ID token, etc.) is available.

           CredentialRequest request = new CredentialRequest.Builder()  
          .setAccountTypes(IdentityProviders.GOOGLE) // you can add other identity providers, too
          Auth.CredentialsApi.request(mCredentialsApiClient, request).setResultCallback(
          new ResultCallback() {
          public void onResult(CredentialRequestResult result) {
          if (result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
          handleCredential(result.getCredential()) // sign in automatically!

          When the user wants or needs to sign in with their email address, show the picker to help them input it. Create a request for hints, pass control to the system to display UI, and handle the result when the user selects an entry.

           HintRequest hintRequest = new HintRequest.Builder()  
          PendingIntent intent = Auth.CredentialsApi.getHintPickerIntent(mCredentialsApiClient,
          startIntentSenderForResult(intent.getIntentSender(), RC_HINT, null, 0, 0, 0);
          onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
          switch (requestCode) {
          case RC_HINT:
          if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
          Credential hint = data.getParcelableExtra(Credential.EXTRA_KEY);

          The result from the hint request will contain the user’s selected identifier and an ID token if it is a Google account on the device. If you use the ID token, you must send and verify it on your server for security. Note that this token will also include a claim if the email address is verified, so you can skip any email verification step. If no token is present, or you can’t do server-side validation, just pre-fill the email field for the user.

           handleCredential(Credential credential) {  
          if (!credential.getIdTokens().isEmpty()) {
          credential.getIdTokens().get(0).getIdToken(); // send the ID token string to your server
          } else {
          // otherwise, try fill the sign-in form fields and submit if password is available

          On your server, after validating the ID token, use it to create an account or sign the user in without need for their password. Google provides libraries to do token validation, or you can use an open-source implementation. The ID token contains the user’s email address, and you can look it up in your database to determine whether an account needs to be created.

           GoogleIdTokenVerifier verifier = new GoogleIdTokenVerifier.Builder(transport, jsonFactory)  
          SHA512_HASH, PACKAGE_NAME)))
          GoogleIdToken idToken = verifier.verify(idTokenString);
          if (idToken == null) {
          Log.w(TAG, "ID Token Verification Failed, check the README for instructions.");
          GoogleIdToken.Payload payload = idToken.getPayload();
          Log.d(TAG, "IdToken:Email:" + payload.getEmail());
          Log.d(TAG, "IdToken:EmailVerified:" + payload.getEmailVerified());
          // based on the email address, determine whether you need to create account
          // or just sign user in

          Then save the user’s email address credential “hint” in Smart Lock for automatic sign-in next time. Simply call the Credentials API save method with the hint and either set the user-entered password, or set the account type if you logged the user in with an ID token.

           Credential credential = new Credential.Builder(hint)  
          // if you signed in with ID token,
          // set account type to the URL for your app (instead of a password field)
          Auth.CredentialsApi.save(mCredentialsApiClient, credential).setResultCallback(
          new ResolvingResultCallbacks(this, RC_SAVE) {

          Learn More

          To learn more about the basics of a Smart Lock API integration, check out our code lab for a step-by-step guide. We’re excited to make authentication without passwords possible via Smart Lock and are looking forward to a world where not only credentials can be managed more effectively, but apps can get their users signed in and up quickly and securely without the friction of typing usernames and passwords. We’d love to hear your feedback or questions!

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